Come Join Us at CJM Stables
Rodeo action starts at 10 am with our Grand Entry
Events are as follows
Barrel Racing, Team Roping, Goat Tying, Pole Bending, Breakaway Roping
In 1999, eleven women who had a vision of providing an opportunity for women to compete in the All-American sport of rodeo. Our mission was to promote the sport of rodeo on the island of Kauai for the female athelte, and to keep the ranching and western heritage alive. Currently we have over 40 members ranging in ages from grade schooler to grandmothers. Many of the cowgirls are decendents of Kauai's first "paniolos" (Hawaiian Cowboys) and are proud to carry on their family's ranching traditions.
The Kauai All Girls Rodeo Association operates under the non-profit status of the YMCA of Kauai. We put on competative rodeos throughout the year and welcome both vistors and local to come down and cheer on our cowgirls. In addition to rodeo these cowgirls donate time and energy to community service projects and proudly ride in mounted units in traditional island parades. 2024 marks our 25th year!